Tuesday, 30 July 2013

::Show & Tell:: International Craft Swap

I got a lovely surprise in the post a couple of Fridays ago. When I got home from work I found a pink parcel with a British Post label had arrived.

As much a as I wanted to rip it open to see what goodies had arrived I had to wait because Mr S and I had to go to a birthday dinner for his sister.
When I finally opened it the next day I found these goodies inside.(the notebooks had fallen out :))

She sent a handmade notebook binder and ribbon bracelet.
There is also a notebook, pencil case and a smaller notepad + pen and a pad of small sticky notes.
The notebook cover is embroidered with my initials, the name of my blog and there is a design on the front in homage to the omiyage flower pouch I have as my avatar.

It was the International Craft Swap parcel from Catherine from At the Macx. Back in February Rachel of Houseof Pinheiro organised an International Craft Swap.[http://houseofpinheiro.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/international-craft-swap-join-me.html]

This is what I sent her back in mid April.

A cool little container made of fabric

A little coaster

ring made from a cute little button

Classic brooch

Here it is all boxed up ready for shipping (I threw in a box of Tim Tams!)

Swaps always fill me with self doubt. I always think, 'Is what I sent good enough?'.
I'll just have to get over myself :)

Anyway, big thank you to Rachel at House of Pinheiro and Catherine for this swap experience.
Until next time, I hope you are getting nice surprises.
V xoxo


  1. Catherine McAtier31 July 2013 at 08:37

    Glad you liked your bits and bobs - your pieces were way more than good enough - and the Tim Tams went down really well with my son. Cx

  2. SimpleFibreLife31 July 2013 at 09:15

    Thank you for your kind words Catherine. I'm glad your son liked the Tim Tams! I hope your fabric container comes in handy.


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