Tuesday, 15 July 2014

::Knitting::FO:: Cold Back There Shawl

I've been knitting, I guess it's the cool weather in Brisbane.

I've wanted to make a shawl for a very long time and I finally finished it this week. Lately I've been trying to stash bust instead of buying, so I dug through my stash and found some cheap bulky 100% acrylic yarn I've had my stash for years. I cast on and just knit my way through the ball of yarn and cast off when I thought I was near the end.

It's a bit smaller than I had envisioned but it still does the job. The colour is not too bad. After all it's just for schlepping around home.

Details and construction notes on Ravelry.

Lately I've lost my sewjo. I've got a couple of projects cut out and waiting patiently to be put to action, but I'm just not feeling it at the moment.

~Changes I made this time~
  • None this was a completely improvised make.

~What I Like~
  • the Tassel!
  • it sits quite well

~What I Don't Like~
  • Not as wide as I would like

~Changes for Next Time~
  • Perhaps making it a bit wider by increasing on every row
  • changing where I put the increases so they're not at the very edge.
I can't remember how much this wool was but I can't imagine I'd have bought it if it was more than $10.
I didn't record my time with this make, but at a rough guess I'd say maybe 8-ish hours.
So materials were cheap, but it took a while to make.

YarnIn stash - from pre-blog$8.00
Notions none
Time8 hours (* $16-ish Australian minimum wage) $128.00

    ~Final Comment~
    I'm pretty happy with my shawl. It sits well and was a bit of fun to make.
    My favourite part is the swishy tassel.

    Do your sewing/knitting/creating habits change with the seasons? Have you done any stash busting lately? I'd love to read your comments :)

    Until next time,

    P.s. About my last post. It was quite a personal post. I've thought about taking it down because it doesn't really fit with the 'theme' of this blog. But I've come to the conclusion that it is still a part of my journey so I will keep it published. 

    Lets connect


    1. Great shawl - love the colour. And I'm glad you didn't take your last post down - it made me so relieved to know that someone else is going through the same things as I am. It was very inspirational.

    2. Hey Joanna,
      Thank you. I keep playing with the tassel when I wear it.
      I'm glad you found my last post inspiring. Good luck with your journey.


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