Friday, 25 May 2012

::Show & Tell:: Finished Objects - Sorbetto and Granny Throw

Last weekend was a nice change from the usual and I had some time on my hands. So I thought I'd better put it to good use. I've had a couple of UFO's (unfinished objects) sitting around for awhile waiting for a couple of finishing touches so I thought I'd better tackle them and gain a sense of accomplishment rather than start on any new projects-which is what I usually do.

It's something that I always do. Start a project; not finish it; start another project; not finish it; start another project.... See a pattern here? Anyway moving along...

First off the rank was my Sorbetto top, I belatedly posted here, that needed the binding resewn.

Close up of my hand stitching-you probably
can't see it, but that's how I like it  :)
Now my Sorbetto can be worn
(Ignore the dotty shower cap in
the background - I said Ignore :P)

I tried sewing in my craft room, but because I was sewing black on black I couldn't see what I was doing. So I moved out to our little sunny balconet and had the job done in 20 minutes. 20 MINUTES-WHY HADN'T I FINISHED THIS OFF EARLIER? Silly!

Anywho, with that project done and under my belt my eyes scanned over to my Tri-Colour Granny Square Throw. Now I've been working on this puppy for years. YEARS. Granted it was an on-again-off-again love affair. I had decided not so long ago that I wanted to do a couple more rounds before I finished off. But Then I thought, Naaah :). So I just wove in what loose ends were there and it was ready to go. 5 minutes max. I've ravelled this my blanket here.

Where the Granny Square Throw shall reside
And that my dears is the tale of how putting things off is silly.

Until next time, I hope you have many projects to keep you occupied unfinished AND finished,
Vanessa xo

Thursday, 24 May 2012

::Sewing:: Sorbetto Top

I only just realised I hadn't published this post. FAIL. So I thought I'd better tell you aaall about it. :)
Aaages ago I made my second wearable sewing project ever and I think I've done alright for a newbie.

I used the fantastic Colette Patterns Free Sorbetto Pattern download. I cut it a pretty big, but I still like it. I mean come on it's my second wearable sewing project of course I'm going to like it :)

I think the fabric is cotton. Don't know. It's out of my Mr's grandmothers stash. I didn't steal it. She was getting rid of heaps of it - we've come to the conclusion she probably bought it to make curtains, so not the most comfortable fabric to wear, but perfectly alright to have a go at sewing something :)

Things I did differently to the pattern:
~ My front pleat wouldn't sit properly so I stitched it down either side.
~ I sewed the side and shoulder seams with French seams. The fabric was fraying a bit and I had cut a large size so I figured I had the seam allowance to do it.
~ Instead of attaching the bias binding using the traditional method I used a binder foot (blogged about here). I'm all about the gadgets and I bought the binder foot and had never used it before. I loved it. I'm all about gratification of a completed project asap :)

Things I would change next time.
~I think I would cut a smaller size and make it longer.
~I'd move the bust dart too
~I'll have to be more careful when I apply the bias tape. I noticed after I had washed it for the first time that the bias tape was coming away from one of the shoulders.

So I'll have to unpick the tape and resew. Oh well, it was a quick slap together job. But it was fun :)

Until next time, I hope you are sewing something you love,
Vanessa xo

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

::Knitting:: Reader Request - Balmain Scarf

I got a lovely email this morning from Sue in Western Australia wanting the pattern for the ruffled Balmain Scarf I showed you in my last post. It was from the Better Homes and Gardens Bumper Knitting Book.

Sooo much ruffle!
The trick to the Balmain Scarf is the yarn-Katia's Park Avenue. There's not much to the pattern however I'll give you a couple of details.

  • Measurement: Length about 160cm
  • Supplies: Katia Park Avenue (75g): 1 Ball (for the version in the book they used colour 106); 7mm knitting needles; wool needle; 40cm waste yarn or sewing thread in same colour as yarn. 
  • Tension: Correct tension is not required for this piece.

In the book they start off by saying,
   Undo skein and retie the knotted ends neatly.

I found the cast on and the instructions a bit confusing. So I found some videos instead :)

Firstly there is the one from Better Homes and Gardens here.

And then I thought what better place to look for resources on how to knit with Katia yarn than the Katia website. Katia have a fantastic pair of videos that show you how to knit AND crochet with their yarn. They also have a handy PDF with illustrated written instructions too.

There's also a vids on YouTube. This one is from Halcyon Yarn.

So that's the middle bit covered off in video form. You knit this way until you reach the end of the ball.

In the book it says to do the following to finish,
Cast off as foll: Sl 2 sts from LH needle * to RH needle, then pass outside st over inside st.* Sl rem st from LH needs and re from * to *. Using wast yarn or thread, overstitch last st to WS of scarf end. Neaten edges of other scarf end by folding and sew in a similar manner. Shake out the work to get the full effect of the ruffles.

And there you have it. I hope this helps you Sue, and anyone else who wants to knit the scarf.

Until next time, I hope you have something lovely to knit or crochet,
Vanessa xo

Thursday, 10 May 2012

::Knitting:: Knitting Patterns Book Gift

In knitting news (well this news is a bit old, but I'll share it anyway) My friend D's really nice mum gave me a knitting pattern book insert from a magazine she bought. What a thoughtful lady!
Better Homes and Gardens Bumper Knitting Book
Here are some of my favourite patterns from the book.

This great looped scarf in fantastic moss stitch. It would be a great practice piece to get my moss stitch into gear. Although maybe a double moss stitch will drive me less insane :)
Mmmosss Ssstitchhh
This blanket cape would be fantastic for keeping warm on the couch, or even while out and about. It would probably take me forever to finish, but it would be sooo worth it. But if I'm going to be looking at making another blanket-esk thing I should really look at finishing this puppy off first!
Blanket Cape or if you prefer Blankape :)
These awesome scarves. The left and centre scarves are knit longways and the one on the right is a lace pattern. I might try that one. I've never knitted lace before.
Scarves are such great gift ideas.
This totally digable beret. I would probably make this in some really soft baby wool or something. I made a crocheted beret out of wool ages ago (you can see it here) and rarely wear it because it makes my forehead itchy :'(
Gotta keep the old noggin warm!
Then there was this scarf....
It's made from Katia's Park Avenue Yarn. There are are few interesting videos on the internets about how to use this yarn. This stuff seams pretty simple to knit, but it soooper ruffly. I'm not sure of how I would wear it if I made one. I think this yarn might be a bit of a 'trend' like 'Fluffy' yarn. Do you remember that?

That's enough crazy yarn lady ramblings for now :)

Until next time I hope you are participating in something creative that brings you comfort,
V xo