Friday, 21 February 2014

::Sewing:: The Great British Sewing Bee

Squee! The Great British Sewing Bee is back for season 2!

BBC trailer

Find out more information here.

Now all I've got to do is find a way of watching it ;)

What are your go to DIY and crafting TV shows?
Leave a comment below, by clicking on the comments button

Until next time,


  1. I have subscribed to, it is a paid subscription, which allows you to watch tv worldwide online from your home computer or other device. I have watched the first episode which was aired on BBC2 already, from Queensland.
    Uno telly do allow a free 2 week trial ( no credit card required) to allow you to see if it suits.
    BTW. I have no interest in this company, just letting you know what has worked for me

  2. I just wanted to say a quick thank you to Vicky S who suggested there are paid subscriptions services to view telly from overseas. For some reason her comment isn't showing. :-S


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