Tuesday, 4 February 2014

::Sewing::FO::Navy S2444

Did I meet my first sewing ambition for 2014!
I sure did! But only just...

I wore a handmade dress to the first wedding I attended in 2014; but I was sewing on the day of the wedding. Luckily the wedding was in the afternoon/evening.

The construction was going smoothly enough but there were a few hiccups.
I had basted the back seam shut to insert the zipper and hand basted the zipper in ready for machine sewing the next day.
The next day I decided that I was going to undo the seam basting before I machine stitched the zipper in. What?! Why!?
So as I was machine stitching the centered zipper the waist seam shifted a bit. Could have been easily avoided. Grrr.
Note to self: Morning brain, you do not know better than evening brain!

As I was hemming my dress my overlocker decided it was a really good time to chuck a sh*tfit. So I just overlocked what I could and just hemmed the damn thing.
Note to self: don't leave making a dress to the last minute in case you have a hiccup like this!

My hemming and zipper hiccups
Anyway, even after all that blah stuff happening. I'm pretty happy with my first ever dress. Here is a quick snap of the insides.

I hand sewed the bodice lining at the waist and to the zipper
I would have posted this sooner but I forgot to pictures on the day. 
When I got home I realised I somehow got a massive grease stain on the front so I had to wash it before I took photos. I had a lot of trouble getting the stain out, but I got there in the end.
Note to self: Stop eating like a caveman!

On Sunday afternoon I thought I'd better get on and post this dress. So, I quickly recreated how I styled my dress at the wedding. The sun was right the time was right, but my hair was very wrong. I tried to wrangle my locks into something barely respectable, but there was not cooperation. So, I just slapped on a hat.

I somehow coaxed Mr S into taking pictures. He was a very reluctant photographer. So here is an outtake action shot of me giving some 'constructive feedback' ;P

"Back up! You don't have to be so close, I'll crop it later"
So I'm still kinda on track with my sewing ambitions for 2014. I have to admit my exercise ambition isn't going so great, but hey I'm doing better than I was before :)

How are you travelling with your 2014 ambitions so far?
Leave a comment below, I'd love to hear from you :)

Until next time,


  1. Thanks Sarah!
    I'm also trying to read 12 books this year :-)

  2. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Laura. :)

    I really like your Scribbled dress. You did a fantastic job!


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